Our way on the sustainability path
Sustainability is now being talked about everywhere, and it is clear that it is no longer an option: both as human beings and as companies we are called to change our behaviors and to make choices that take into account the impact on the environment, society and economy.
In GIERRE we have decided to share with the whole Team a path made up of small and large actions, from the progressive elimination of water in plastic bottles to the installation of the photovoltaic system on the roof of the main plant.
Being attentive to ESG (Environmental Social Governance) aspects also means giving a medium-long term breath to all the actions that the company carries out in the area, guaranteeing the well-being of collaborators and improving relations with all the stakeholders.
We will tell you step by step our progress, any critical issues that we will encounter on the way, and the successes, because we want to testify what we concretely do to make the world a better place.